Sunday, January 27, 2008

Illegal alien sex PERV now back in US legally! aka Judge gone wild

The gist is that "Jane Doe" enters Edwards Hospital in Naperville, IL for a surgical procedure following a miscarriage. The poor woman is spread-eagled, in stirrups, UNCONSCIOUS, with her whoo-ha exposed. In walks illegal alien Jose Rostro, promoted from janitor to surgery tech (I kid you not!) and proceeds to take digital photos of her whoo-ha.

So the case goes to court and the Judge rules: Hospital Not Responsible for Lewd Photos Taken of Unconscious Patient!!

The hospital KNEW he was illegal:

Jose C. Rostro, who used two different names, Social Security numbers, addresses and other information when he applied for employment.

And the Judge buys this argument:

Attorney for Edward, Margaret Unger, successfully argued the hospital could not have prevented the crime from occurring."There is no logical connection between being an undocumented worker and committing a sexual perverse-type crime," Unger said before Elsner late last year according to court transcripts. "This so-called criminal attack was not reasonably foreseeable to Edward Hospital."

Are you freaking kidding me?!?!? If Jose hadn't been hired because he's ILLEGAL, he wouldn't have been there to take whoo-ha photos.

Oh, and the clincher:

Although Rostro was never charged with the fraud committed on his application at Edward, he was deported Nov. 4, 2005, to his native country of Mexico within days of being found guilty on the misdemeanor charges of disorderly conduct and unauthorized videotaping.Less than a year had passed before Rostro was able to return to the U.S., this time by legal means.

America, land of opportunity. WhooooHaaaaa!


Anonymous said...

Trace victims of British Sex Holiday crimes

Sex beast Tim Ireland from has over the last year's been insulting reporters from some of the top newspapers,it's now official Tim has a record as long as his arm for child sex offences.Tim run's .And was arrested 5 year's ago for Sex abroad with a young girl but was deported back to the UK.Due to ill health. lately he has attacked the Daily Mail Newspaper who are looking for Tim Irelands is talk that he had Sex with children as young as 9 years old in Thailand .Tim is well known for his lies to hide his crimes and writes on his blog blaming others nothing to do with this posting. Reporters want to bring Tim to justice for his sex crimes as he has been running vile sex sites with images of young children. working with the public and police we can bring down one of the biggest child sex rings down in the UK.

Tim Ireland who run's is also thought to have loaded picture of child porn for his sick friends to view from his many trips abroad on a private link on his site.They were remove before police tried to view the sites index.His I.S.P. also may have link's to the sex trade and hard core porn.If you have any information on Tim please ring the news desk or if you would like to just let Tim know what you think of sex crimes in Thailand info coming soon............PLEASE HELP BY POSTING THIS ON AS MANY FORUMS IN Thailand!

Any info on Tim's victims please contact your local police or the news desk.Editorial
News and features - 020 7938 6000 or Crime Stoppers 0800 555 111

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