Sunday, January 27, 2008

Al Qaeda "strapping bombs to children"

US claims Qaeda using children as Iraq suicide bombers

Sheikh Ahmed Abdul Ghafour al-Samarraie, moderate but influential head of the Sunni endowment, Sunday accused the Qaeda-linked Islamic State of Iraq of committing the "worst crimes against our people."

"They have killed thousands of thinkers, dozens of scholars, tens of thousands of innocent people in horrifying ways," Samarraie said in a statement.

The jihadists, he added, were "strapping bombs to children and sending them into gatherings and mourning ceremonies."

"They feel happy with these killings. They deceived young people to attach bombs to their bodies to explode themselves to go allegedly to paradise," he added, appealing to Islamic scholars around the world to declare such attacks as contrary to Sharia law.

Gabs: Naturally, no such declaration has been issued. No condemnation from the lefties either. Since it wasn't waterboarding, it doesn't matter to the left.

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