Thursday, January 31, 2008

You're not MY friend, John McCain

Duncan Hunter & Fred Thompson were the only two conservatives in the race for the Republican presidential nominee.

Now that they're gone, where's a conservative to turn?

Giuliani's out, thank God. I just couldn't fathom a man as President whose own children can't support him. Yes, you were a calming influence during the immediate aftermath of 9/11 - as anyone in your position as mayor should have been.

Huckabee? Not a chance. I see him as peanut farmer wannabe. Let's talk to the terrorists. Let's give illegal immigrant kids in-state tuition and scholarships. Feh. Time for you to drop out of the race.

Ron Paul? Loon. S'all I'm sayin.

Down to two. Romney, McCain, Romney, McCain....who to pick? Gag, this is the best we have running? Why? Oh well.

Romney - abortion/flip, gay marriage/flop, mandatory health care/flop

McCain - Feingold, Kennedy, Clinton best buds. No ANWR. You just didn't get it with the immigration bill, did you? And you still don't ie. Juan Hernandez.

I watched the debate last night thinking, well let's see who I think feels better in the role of president.

Right off the bat, McCain rankles with the fake soft voice: my friends this, my friend that. I'm not liking the attitude.

Romney? Can't quite figure him out. He's like a Ken doll. Where's the real personality? Who is the real you? Understands business though. Maybe it is time for a business man.

McCain again, oh fer crying out loud - give it up with the Mitt calling for withdrawal thing wouldja? Smirking, condescending, patronizing - oooooh - there he goes with that my friend thing again. The way he says it, it's clear it's not a friend to whom he's speaking. I just don't like the attitude. Remembering your trash mouth on the Senate floor. More smirking. Good grief, the man does look unbalanced. Should he be the one front and center to the world? No, I guess not.'re not my friend. You're not my choice, John McCain.

Mitt will have to do for now.

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