Sunday, November 9, 2008

McCain Leaves Sarah Palin Twisting in the Wind

Shame on you Senator McCain!

Not ONE word from you in defense of Sarah Palin regarding the attacks on her???

Shame on you.

Sarah Palin worked her heart out for you and this country and when she's attacked you don't even have the decency to speak out?

I rescind my vote for YOU.

Sarah Palin 2012 - You betcha!!!

Congratulations to President elect Obama

Congratulations to President elect Obama.

You haven't earned my trust yet and please don't forget that you will be my President as well.

You do have my admiration and respect because the people have spoken.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Gotta Give Props to the PUMAs

"Party Unity My Ass"

In admiration of PUMAs, Hillary supporters, Democrats for McCain, American heroes all.

They understand "Country First" as the threat of Obama socialism and Chicago thug politics, looms.

Hillary should have been the nominee. No doubt about it.

OBAMA Didn't Know????

Obama didn't know...his Aunt Zeituni Onyango was living in a slum in Boston?

Obama didn't know...his Pastor Jeremiah Wright was an anti-American race-baiting, ex-Islamist, black liberation theology, foul-mouthed bigot?

Obama didn't know...his good pal Fr. Pfleger, was a race-baiting bigot?

Obama didn't know...his good pal James Meeks, was a race-bating bigot?

Obama didn't know...his friend and multiple board co-chair, Bill Ayers, was an unrepentant terrorist?

Obama didn't know...his friend Bill Ayers' wife Bernardine Dohrn was an unrepentant terrorist?

Obama didn't know...his friend Rashid Khalidi was a Palestinian terrorist supporter?

Obama didn't know...his friend Mona Khalidi was a Palestinian terrorist supporter?

Obama didn't know...his mentor Frank Marshall Davis was a communist supporter?

Obama didn't know...his good buddy Tony Rezko was an under-indictment, money grubbing scam artist?

What ELSE didn't Obama know?

And am I really supposed to buy all these lies?

Who are you, Obama?

Release your birth certificate.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Fatwas don't expire - Terrorists still want to kill us

Mukasey 'surprised' by scope of terrorist threats

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Attorney General Michael Mukasey has been taken aback by the scope and variety of potential terrorism threats facing the United States, he told reporters Friday at an informal meeting in his office.

Attorney General Michael Mukasey receives terrorism updates during national security briefings.

"I'm surprised by how surprised I am," said Mukasey, who as a federal judge presided over terrorism-related trials in New York. .....more at link.....

Pity the Patriot Act expired.....

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Bin Laden 3/20/2008 - Another tape

New Usama bin Laden Tape Slams Palestinian Negotiations, Urges Holy War for Liberation

Once again, nothing current in the message.

For the first time, I wonder if UBL is dead?

Bin Laden's 3/19/2008 Statement Transcript

May our Mothers be bereaved of us if we fail to help our Prophet (peace be upon him)

In the name of Allah, the Most compassionate, the Most merciful. To the intelligent ones in the European Union: peace be upon he who follows the guidance. This talk of mine is to you and concerns the insulting drawings and your negligence in spite of the opportunity presented to take the necessary measures to prevent their being repeated.

To begin, I tell you: hostility between human beings is very old, but the intelligent ones among the nations in all eras have been keen to observe the etiquettes of dispute and morals of fighting. This is the best for them, a conflict is ever changing, and war has its ups and downs. However, you, in your conflict with us, have abandoned many of the morals of fighting in practice, even if you hold aloft its slogans in theory. How it saddens us that you target our villages with your bombing: those modest mud villages, which have collapsed onto our women and children. You do that intentionally, and I am witness to that. All of this you do without right and in conformity with your oppressive ally who- along with his aggressive policies – is about to depart the White House.

And it is no longer hidden from you that these savage acts haven’t ended the war, but rather, increase our determination to cling to our right, avenge our people and expel the invaders from our country. And you also know now that these massacres are never erased from the memory of the peoples and the effects of this are not hidden. Although our tragedy in your killing of our women and children is a very great ones, it paled when you went overboard in your unbelief and freed yourselves of the etiquettes of dispute and fighting and went to the extent of publishing these insulting drawings. This is the greater and more serious tragedy, and reckoning for it will be more severe.

And I bring your attention to a more telling matter, which is that despite your publishing of the insulting drawings, you haven’t seen any reaction from the one and a half billion muslims, which includes an insult to the Prophet of Allah, Jesus the son of Mary (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). We believe in all of the Prophets (peace and blessings be upon them), and whoever detracts from or mocks any one of them is an apostate unbeliever. And here it is worth pointing out that there is no need to use as an excuse, the sacredness you accord freedom of expression and the sacredness of your laws and how you wont change them. If so, then on what basis were American Soldiers exempted from being subject to your laws on your land? And on what basis do you suppress the freedom of those who cast doubt on the statistics of a historical event?

In Addition, you know that there is one man who can put an end to these drawings, if it mattered to him: the crownless king in Riyadh, who ordered your legal institutions to stop their investigations into the embezzlement of billions from the al-Yamamah deal, and Blair carried this out, and he is today your representative in the quartet. To sum up, then the laws of men which clash with the legislations of Allah the Most High are null and void, aren’t sacred, and don’t matter to us. And in addition, yout practical stance towards the al-Yamamah deal required you to admit that there are some values which are greater than your values. In closing, I tell you: If there is no check on the freedom of your words, then let your hearts be open to the freedom of our actions.

And it is amazing and to make light of others that you talk about tolerance and peace at a time when your soldiers perpetrate murder even against the weak and oppressed in our countries. Then came your publishing of these drawings, which came in the framework of a new crusade in which the Pope of the Vatican has played a large, lengthy role. And all of that is confirmation on your part of the continuation of the war, as well as a testing of the muslims in their religion: is the Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) more beloved to them than themselves and their wealth? The answer is what you see, not what you hear, and may our mothers be bereaved of us if we fail to help the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). And peace be upon he who follows the guidance.

Hey Osama - How's chubby goat-boy Gadahn doing???? Haven't heard from his traitorous mouth lately.

Just what is a "typical WHITE person"... Obama?????

Barack Hussein: You, sir.....are a racist.

Just what exactly is a "typical white person"?

And were I to say so-and-so is a "typical black person" - you'd want me Imus-ized and banished from the planet.

.......lower the curtain, stagehand - this act is O.V.E.R.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Prayers for Northern Illinois University

NIU shooting leaves 6 dead, 16 wounded
Ex-graduate student slays 5 before killing himself


Hail to THEE our Alma Mater
Ever shall we praise your name
Here, we proudly lift our voices
Thousands strong we sing your fame
Free, steadfast, devoted, true
We will always stand by you
Let our cheers resound for Northern
Hail, N.I.U.

Lyrics by Wilbur Smith / Orville Baker
Music by Wilbur Smith

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Terrorist Mugniyeh DEAD

Fuck YOU, Code Pink & Boycott Berkeley

Traitorous bastards

I've been watching the Beserkeley City Council meeting this evening.

Several of you despicable leftist Code Stink ANSWER assholes, walked up to that dias and dared to call the brave men and women of our Military "baby killers."

Is that how you "support the troops" but not the mission?!?

Well......F.U.C.K Y.O.U.

Yes, YOU, the party of ABORTION - the REAL BABY KILLERS.

A POX on you.

I will never set foot in Berkeley again and encourage all Americans who really do support the troops, to BOYCOTT the hell out of Berkeley.
QUESTION: Does everyone in Berkeley have a speech impediment?
Hewwo - my name isth Litha and I'm an actreth and an artitht.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Fat GoatBoy Gadahn - Missing?

Is GoatBoy at Gitmo or dead?
He'll show himself if he's still alive.
Ain't that right, GoatBoy?

American al-Qaida member missing?

Where is accused terrorist Adam Gadahn?
That’s what Taliban sources along the Afghan-Pakistan border are wondering about the American-born al-Qaida member. Gadahn, known as Azzam al-Ameriki (Azzam the American), joined al-Qaida in 2003 and has appeared in several bombastic al-Qaida videos since then. Federal prosecutors indicted the Californian for treason in October 2006, and he's now on the FBI's Most Wanted List.

U.S. intelligence officials have heard the same rumors, but tell NBC News that they have no information to suggest Gadahn is dead. They specifically deny that Gadahn was killed in the same Predator missile attack that killed al-Qaida’s #4, Abu Laith al-Libi, last week near the town of Mir Ali in Pakistan’s North Waziristan province. Gadahn was visiting Mir Ali at the time, according to a local man who describes himself as a friend of Gadahn’s.

Jihadist sources on the Pakistan side of the border are telling local journalists they are worried. One who described himself as a “very close friend” of Gadahn said the 28-year-old California native had until recently been spending most of his time in the populated areas of South Waziristan, near the towns of Wana, Azam Warsak and Shahkai.

The same friend said Gadahn had left for North Waziristan a week before the Predator attack in Mir Ali, where he was supposed to attend “an important meeting”. The friend said that, after the Predator attack on January 31, they lost “all contact” with Gadahn.

"All our friends are worried about him but so far we could not make any contact with him. We had sent two of our friends to Mir Ali to locate him and provide us with details about him," the supposed friend explained.
He added that other militants who traveled with Gadahn also were missing.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Free Sayed Parwez Kaambakhsh!!!!

Where are you lefties???

Susan Sarandon, Tim Robbins, Sean Penn et al - not a word from you folks?

Abu al-Laith al-Liby - Qaeda Ops Manager - DEAD

You're not MY friend, John McCain

Duncan Hunter & Fred Thompson were the only two conservatives in the race for the Republican presidential nominee.

Now that they're gone, where's a conservative to turn?

Giuliani's out, thank God. I just couldn't fathom a man as President whose own children can't support him. Yes, you were a calming influence during the immediate aftermath of 9/11 - as anyone in your position as mayor should have been.

Huckabee? Not a chance. I see him as peanut farmer wannabe. Let's talk to the terrorists. Let's give illegal immigrant kids in-state tuition and scholarships. Feh. Time for you to drop out of the race.

Ron Paul? Loon. S'all I'm sayin.

Down to two. Romney, McCain, Romney, McCain....who to pick? Gag, this is the best we have running? Why? Oh well.

Romney - abortion/flip, gay marriage/flop, mandatory health care/flop

McCain - Feingold, Kennedy, Clinton best buds. No ANWR. You just didn't get it with the immigration bill, did you? And you still don't ie. Juan Hernandez.

I watched the debate last night thinking, well let's see who I think feels better in the role of president.

Right off the bat, McCain rankles with the fake soft voice: my friends this, my friend that. I'm not liking the attitude.

Romney? Can't quite figure him out. He's like a Ken doll. Where's the real personality? Who is the real you? Understands business though. Maybe it is time for a business man.

McCain again, oh fer crying out loud - give it up with the Mitt calling for withdrawal thing wouldja? Smirking, condescending, patronizing - oooooh - there he goes with that my friend thing again. The way he says it, it's clear it's not a friend to whom he's speaking. I just don't like the attitude. Remembering your trash mouth on the Senate floor. More smirking. Good grief, the man does look unbalanced. Should he be the one front and center to the world? No, I guess not.'re not my friend. You're not my choice, John McCain.

Mitt will have to do for now.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Illegal alien sex PERV now back in US legally! aka Judge gone wild

The gist is that "Jane Doe" enters Edwards Hospital in Naperville, IL for a surgical procedure following a miscarriage. The poor woman is spread-eagled, in stirrups, UNCONSCIOUS, with her whoo-ha exposed. In walks illegal alien Jose Rostro, promoted from janitor to surgery tech (I kid you not!) and proceeds to take digital photos of her whoo-ha.

So the case goes to court and the Judge rules: Hospital Not Responsible for Lewd Photos Taken of Unconscious Patient!!

The hospital KNEW he was illegal:

Jose C. Rostro, who used two different names, Social Security numbers, addresses and other information when he applied for employment.

And the Judge buys this argument:

Attorney for Edward, Margaret Unger, successfully argued the hospital could not have prevented the crime from occurring."There is no logical connection between being an undocumented worker and committing a sexual perverse-type crime," Unger said before Elsner late last year according to court transcripts. "This so-called criminal attack was not reasonably foreseeable to Edward Hospital."

Are you freaking kidding me?!?!? If Jose hadn't been hired because he's ILLEGAL, he wouldn't have been there to take whoo-ha photos.

Oh, and the clincher:

Although Rostro was never charged with the fraud committed on his application at Edward, he was deported Nov. 4, 2005, to his native country of Mexico within days of being found guilty on the misdemeanor charges of disorderly conduct and unauthorized videotaping.Less than a year had passed before Rostro was able to return to the U.S., this time by legal means.

America, land of opportunity. WhooooHaaaaa!

Al Qaeda "strapping bombs to children"

US claims Qaeda using children as Iraq suicide bombers

Sheikh Ahmed Abdul Ghafour al-Samarraie, moderate but influential head of the Sunni endowment, Sunday accused the Qaeda-linked Islamic State of Iraq of committing the "worst crimes against our people."

"They have killed thousands of thinkers, dozens of scholars, tens of thousands of innocent people in horrifying ways," Samarraie said in a statement.

The jihadists, he added, were "strapping bombs to children and sending them into gatherings and mourning ceremonies."

"They feel happy with these killings. They deceived young people to attach bombs to their bodies to explode themselves to go allegedly to paradise," he added, appealing to Islamic scholars around the world to declare such attacks as contrary to Sharia law.

Gabs: Naturally, no such declaration has been issued. No condemnation from the lefties either. Since it wasn't waterboarding, it doesn't matter to the left.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Fred Thompson dropping out?

Speaking now to a roomful of supporters in SC.

Is Fred about to drop out as well?

Duncan Hunter quits the race

The only true conservative of the bunch, Duncan Hunter has quit the presidential race.

A sad day for conservatives.

Now, for whom to vote?

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Al-Qaeda’s 007

Not so cocky now, eh...Irhabi-double-OH!-seven?

Kudos to Aaron Weisburd, Evan Kohlman and the un-named 'others'.

Al-Qaeda 'to blow up Paris'

BRITISH tourists visiting France may be targeted in a wave of TEN suicide bombings by al-Qaeda fanatics.
Osama Bin Laden’s followers have singled out Disneyland Paris and the Eiffel Tower for terror atrocities, it is feared.
Charles De Gaulle and Orly airports and the posh shops along the Champs-Elysees have also been earmarked.
Clues were let slip by militants using an internet chatroom linked to al-Qaeda. A transcript referred to “more than ten martyrdom operations against economically-sensitive sites in France”.
more at link

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Soldiers for Duncan Hunter

Now THAT's what I'm talking about!!!

Read it at the Christian Clarity Review.

Blank bullets sent to Berlusconi with 'Islamist death threat'

Blank bullets sent to Berlusconi with 'Islamist death threat'

An Italian newspaper said Friday it had received a letter containing two
blank bullets and threats against former prime minister Silvio Berlusconi,
warning he faced a fate similar to slain Pakistani political leader Benazir
Bhutto. The letter - the bullets attached to it with adhesive tape - was posted
to the Milanese daily Il Giornale, owned by Berlusconi's brother, Paolo, who
also received "threats of an Islamic character" in the letter, the newspaper
said. The bullets, the letter and a yellow envelope in which it had been sent
were handed over to anti-terrorism police, Il Giornale said. The apparently
unsigned letter said it was a "preliminary" warning to the "Berlusconi brothers
... responsible for the rubbish written in the newspaper and their anti-Islamic
policies.""On the first possible occasion we will act as was done with Bhutto,"
the letter said referring to the Pakistani opposition politician whose
assassination last month has been blamed on Al Qaeda.The letter written in
Italian ended with the words "Allah is great".Italian Prime Minister Romano
Prodi sent a message of "solidarity" to Berlusconi on behalf of the centre-left
government, news reports said.Berlusconi, whose centre-right government
supported the US-led 2003 invasion of Iraq, has been singled out as an enemy of
Islam in several Islamist messages including those issued by Al Qaeda


Berlusconi receives mailed death threat

Published: Saturday, 12 January, 2008, 01:34 AM Doha Time
ROME: Silvio Berlusconi, Italy’s richest man and leader of the conservative opposition, received an Islamist death threat in a letter containing two bullets, the Milan daily Il Giornale reported yesterday.The letter, which also threatens Berlusconi’s brother Paolo, was left at Il Giornale’s offices, the paper, owned by the Berlusconi family’s media empire, said on its website.Written in capital letters on a computer, the letter ends with the slogan, “Allah O Akbar” (God is great).“These two blank bullets are a warning for the Berlusconi brothers: one is for Silvio and the other for his brother, responsible for the rubbish they write in the newspaper and their anti-Islam policy,” the letter says.“At the first opportunity ... we will do as they did in Pakistan with (slain opposition leader Benazir) Bhutto: fire real bullets to the head, then an Italian-style suicide bomber to be sure of their disappearance from this world,” it reads, according to Il Giornale.“Bodyguards and security details will not be able to stop us because we are unpredictable,” the letter warns, ending with “Allah O Akbar”.Berlusconi, while prime minister in 2001, infuriated Muslims and appalled Western diplomats with remarks asserting “the superiority of our civilisation ... in contrast with Islamic countries”.Anti-terrorist police are examining the letter, Il Giornale said. – AFP

Friday, January 11, 2008

Ron Paul is a lying racist


Terror Threat to Eiffel Tower

Portugal intercepts threat message against France's Eiffel Tower

LISBON, Jan. 11 (Xinhua) -- Portuguese aviation authorities
intercepted a conversation Thursday on a possible attack against the Eiffel
Tower in Paris, France, local media reported Friday.
The Santa Maria aerial center intercepted the
conversation early Thursday on an attack against the Eiffel Tower through
short-wave radio, according to police sources.
Portuguese officials were immediately wary of the
situation and alerted their French counterparts, who are trying to identify the
suspects involved in the telephone conversation by the territory surveillance
It was a "vague and confused" conversation
that have put Portuguese and French officials on alert because other similar
messages have been also intercepted on Internet in recent days on possible
terrorist attacks against Paris, the reports added.

Ron Paul Freaks Me Out

Wooooowheeee. The man just seems unhinged to me.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Ohio Man Claims to Have Bomb Strapped to Body

AP reports

MERCER, Pa. (AP) — An Ohio man led police on a 20-mile chase in two states and, when officers finally caught up to him in a cornfield, claimed to have a bomb strapped to his body, authorities said.
Authorities said they found no explosives on Yousef Abdel Adhami or in his car after Monday's events.
Adhami, 38, of Youngstown, was arraigned Tuesday on charges of fleeing and eluding police, threatening to use a weapon of mass destruction and other crimes.
The district judge who arraigned Adhami had no record of an attorney in the case. No listed phone number could be found for Adhami.
Police in Hubbard Township, Ohio, began pursuing Adhami on Monday night after they said radar showed he was driving 69 mph in a 35 mph zone. Pennsylvania State Police said they joined the chase shortly before 11 p.m. and followed Adhami for about eight miles before he drove into a cornfield.

Friend of ‘Lyrical Terrorist’ caught at airport with military equipment

A dentist who was stopped as he tried to board a flight to Pakistan with military equipment and £9,000 cash was jailed yesterday for 4½years for terror offences.
Sohail Qureshi, 30, is believed to have been travelling to Afghanistan to join Mujahidin forces linked to al-Qaeda to fight against British and American troops in the region.
Several pictures from computers and discs that were recovered by police showed Qureshi on previous trips to the region posing with assault rifles, including an American M16.
In an e-mail to a fellow Islamist radical, sent shortly before his planned departure, he wrote: “Make dua [prayers] that I will kill many. Revenge, revenge, revenge.” LINK

Is that a photoshopped beard??? How weird.

Monday, January 7, 2008


I'm so sick of the word CHANGE from these Dem candidates, that I'm about to puke pennies.

I'm the "agent of change"

No I'm the "agent of change"

I "changed" before you were born

No way, I "changed" and "changed" and then "changed" again.
Change WHAT????

"Knucklehead Executives"

Are you listening FOX NEWS?

And so am I.
UPDATE on the Knucklehead brigade:

Knucklehead FOX NEWS - I couldn't find one word on their site about today's press conference.
Knucklehead ABC NEWS - Saw fit to make mention in the "blog" section only.
MSNBC - Doesn't mention it.
CBS - No mention.
CNN - Posts the video.

FOX NEWS: Frank Luntz's Professional "undecided" focus group members

From the Freepers
Sept 5 group

vs Jan 6 group

Gabby reports - YOU decide.

FOX NEWS - Frank Luntz Does Campaign Commercial For Mitt Romney

Frank Luntz shills for Mitt Romney

Now that Republican candidate, and friend of Roger Ailes, Rudy Giuliani is invisible in the polling for the early primary states, the question is who will be Fox’s next favorite best friend. Judging from last night’s (January 6th) follow-up to the Fox sponsored debate (and not NH Republican sponsored as the state party withdrew its support after Ron Paul was excluded from the debate), the answer is Mitt Romney.......

.......Back to Luntz who displayed graphs generated by his dial meters. Without showing the graphs on the other candidates, Luntz stated that Romney had “the best responses.” He showed reaction to Romney's comments about Washington needing change and noted that when Romney talked about illegal immigration, he received the highest ratings. He concluded that Romney “hit a home run.”
Comment: Short of wearing a Romney for President tee-shirt, Luntz was not very subtle in his cheerleading for Romney.

I agree.

Furious with FOX NEWS

It's over for me FOX.
You have been patently unfair to Duncan Hunter.

Duncan Hunter to Make Major Announcement


For Immediate Release: January 7, 2007
Contact: Bob Bevill, (978) 339-3198, (603) 913-1770
Presidential Candidate and California Congressman Duncan Hunter will be making a major announcement today at 2:00 p.m. (EST), regarding the future of his Presidential bid. All media are encouraged to attend or contact Bob Bevill, National Media Coordinator, to arrange alternate interviews.

Radisson Hotel Lobby
700 Elm Street

Manchester, New Hampshire
2:00 p.m. (EST)

UPDATE - DUNCAN HUNTER - Staying in the race!

Phew - you had me worried there for a moment, Duncan.
But you always said you're NO quitter!

UPDATE - Struggling GOP candidate to stay in the race
Posted: 02:05 PM ET

Hunter has struggled in the crowded GOP presidential field.
(CNN) – Underdog GOP presidential candidate
Duncan Hunter
lashed out at "knucklehead media executives" who did not include him in this weekend's New Hampshire primary debates, telling reporters he was staying in the race despite widespread expectations he would announce his withdrawal.
The conservative California congressman criticized debate organizers at FOX and ABC for not extending him an invitation when "guys with zero delegates" like Rudy Giuliani and John McCain were allowed to participate in the events, saying they "decided my campaign was over, and the lights would be shut out on my campaign.
"So here's my answer: I'm not going to quit. I'm staying in."

Duncan Hunter Buzz

I heart Duncan Hunter

Hunter supporters are sending requests to Fox News Channel to reinstate Hunter in tonight's debate. Fox can be reached by calling 1-888-369-4762, extension 4, or (212) 301-3000, or emailing at The Fox News Washington, D.C. telephone number is 202-824-6300.

Mitt Romney won eight of the state's 12 delegates, Fred Thompson won three and Duncan Hunter captured one.
...will be the keynote speaker at the Martin County Republican Committee’s Lincoln Day Dinner on Jan. 25 at the Turtle Creek Country Club in Tequesta starting at 6:30 p.m.
According to Chuck Winn, chief of staff of Hunter’s campaign in Florida, a $75 a person reception for Hunter, which also covers the cost of the dinner, will be held from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at the club.

Hunter’s topic will be: “Shaping our National Security Strategy to Defeat Our Current Enemies and Defend Against Emerging Threats.”

Iranians told the U.S. Navy: "I am coming at you"

Iranian ships 'harass' U.S. Navy, officials say

One of the Iranian ships had been dropping white boxes into the water in front of the U.S. ships

So what was in the boxes?

Osama bin Laden’s security coordinator captured in Pakistan

Bill Roggio reports:

A senior al Qaeda commander has been reported to have been captured in the Pakistani city of Lahore, according to a Pakistani newspaper. Dr. Amin al Haq, the security coordinator of Osama bin Laden’s Black Guard, “was apprehended from Lahore couple of days back,” The Nation reported, citing “credible Afghan sources.” Al Haq is said to be “under interrogation” at an undisclosed location.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

FOX NEWS - FAIR??? Where was Duncan Hunter?

Despite being kept off stage in the ABC and Fox News debates this weekend, he placed third in the Wyoming GOP caucus Saturday.

Chuck Yeager says that Duncan Hunter has the "Right Stuff".

FOX News blew it.

Adam Gadahn: From Goat Boy to Fat Boy


Try a diet soda or something - you are FAT!

And the tearing up the passport stunt - FOFL! Total drama QUEEN.

It's time for YOU, Adam, to repent....oh...and go on a diet too.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Where's the APOLOGY, MURTHA?????

No Murder Charges Filed in Haditha Case

Four Marines to Face Lesser Charges After Two-Year Inquiry Into Iraqi Killings

By Josh White
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, January 4, 2008; Page A05

After a two-year investigation into the killings of up to 24 civilians in Haditha, Iraq, the Marine Corps has decided that none of the Marines involved in the incident will be charged with murder. Instead, two enlisted Marines and two Marine officers will face trial in coming months for the killings and for failing to investigate them.
The most serious charges have been leveled against Marine Staff Sgt. Frank D. Wuterich, who is scheduled to be arraigned on charges of voluntary manslaughter in California next week, the last step before the case officially moves to trial.

Initially called a massacre by Iraqi residents of Haditha
and later characterized as coldblooded murder by a U.S. congressman, the case has turned not on an alleged rampage but on a far more complex analysis of how U.S. troops fight an insurgency in the midst of a population they seek to protect.


Public attention to the Haditha case increased in the spring of 2006 when Rep. John P. Murtha (D-Pa.) said after briefings from military officials that the Marines had killed civilians "in cold blood."

Where's the apology, "MY LAI" MURTHA????


Where's the SCREAMING above the fold headline, WaPo?

May you all have as many sleepless nights as our Marines and their families have had.

May God bless these Marines and all our troops.

Sweetness and Light "In a better world Mr. Murtha would be on trial."

We can hope, can't we?

Freeper comments

I Swear, Bill does NOT want Hillary to be President

Perhaps it's subconscious on his part, but it seems pretty obvious to me:

Bill Clinton says:
"Nobody would be happier to see all this go away than us. But you can’t ask somebody who is at a breathtaking disadvantage in the information coming to the voters to ignore that disadvantage and basically agree to put bullets in their brains," he said.
Huh? He keeps doing this.......this..... saying stupid things, thing.

If she doesn't win, I wonder how quickly they'll divorce?

Adam Gadahn, Al-Qaeda Vid Coming Soon

Adam Goatboy with-the-fake-accent Gadahn Perlman's upcoming boring tape.

The militant group Al Qaeda announced Thursday the imminent arrival of a new video message from American-born Islamist Adam Gadahn, making it the first message from the organization in 2008.

"Coming soon by the will of God, an invitation to reflection and repentance," read the banner produced by al-Sahab, Al Qaeda's media wing, and displayed on a militant Web site.


Al-Qaeda - No Men Left for Suicide Missions - Send Women

AP reports

In November and December, women carried out three suicide bombings in Diyala province, one of Iraq's most violent areas, where al-Qaida in Iraq has a stronghold. The last female suicide bombing had been in July.

On Nov. 4, a woman detonated an explosives vest next to a U.S. patrol in Diyala's regional capital, Baqouba, 35 miles northeast of Baghdad, wounding seven U.S. troops and five Iraqis. On Dec. 7, a woman attacked the offices of a Diyala-based Sunni group fighting al-Qaida in Iraq, killing 15 people and wounding 35. Then, on Dec. 31, a bomber in Baqouba detonated her suicide vest close to a police patrol, wounding five policemen and four civilians.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Lewisville, TX Cabbie Kills Teen Daughters & BOLO

Area police continue to search for a man who they believe killed his two teenage daughters and left their bodies in a taxi at an Irving hotel.

Yaser Abdel Said

HOT AIR has the details

$10,000 Reward Offered for Father Suspected of Killing Teen Girls

Sisters Amina and Sarah Said



Back from a long break to start a bloggin and gabblin again.

Conservative Iowans, please consider Duncan Hunter as you caucus! Duncan Hunter is the real conservative.

Take a look at his detailed core positions here

Duncan Hunter is RIGHT on:

Right to Life Amendment
Philosophy of Judicial Appointments
Federal Legislation and Votes
Constitutional Amendment Defining Marriage
Educational Choice and Home Schooling
Hate Crimes & Sexual Orientation
First Amendment
Second Amendment
Tax Relief and Tax Cuts
Marriage Penalty Tax
Alternative Minimum Tax
Antiquated Taxes
Balanced Budget
Property Rights/Eminent Domain
Federal Obscenity Laws
National Endowment of the Arts
Health Care Reform
Buy Health Insurance Across State Lines
Make Informed Health Care Choices Through Public Disclosure
Innovate In Order to Save Money and Improve Medical Outcomes
Foreign Policy Objectives and Philosophy
Israel and the Middle East
Security And Prosperity Partnership/North American Union
Illegal Immigration
Border Fence
Birth Right Citizenship Reform
Employer Verification
Border Patrol Agents
United Nations
Treaties & Policies
Mexico City Policy
China and Family Planning

The blogosphere is buzzing with support for Duncan Hunter.

Michigan for Duncan Hunter

Duncan Hunter: The Only Choice

Ohio Duncan Hunter For President 2008

Duncan Hunter for President

Duncan Hunter Grass REvolt

I'm Going To Flip Flop: Vote Duncan Hunter

No Compromise! Support Duncan Hunter for President!

Getting to know Duncan Hunter

The Hunter's Rangers Resource & Review

Open Letter to the Iowa GOP – Choose Wisely, Choose Hunter

Lots of support among "FReepers" at FREEREPUBLIC.COM for Duncan Hunter

From the Offcial Duncan Hunter Website - Blogger support:

Can We Be Conservative Again?

Duncan Hunter the Only Choice

Duncan Hunter the Only Choice

Right on the Issues that Matter: Duncan Hunter

Ohio for Duncan Hunter

Right Point of View

Support Hunter

The Duncan Hunter Blog

The Duncan Hunter Grass Revolt

Thoughts of a Regular Guy

The Local Malcontent

Red Stater

America's Best Choice

Spark it Up!!!

Mary's Page

Marine Veteran's Blog

Unique Point of View

We Want a Christian President

The Town Crier

Georgia Front Page

And that's just a few links to get you started.

Join me and support Duncan Hunter for President.

Nice graphic from

Duncan Hunter
9340 Fuerte Drive, Ste. 302
La Mesa, CA 91941-4164
(602) 757-3766
Web site:

Gabby's Gabbles

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