Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Fuck YOU, Code Pink & Boycott Berkeley

Traitorous bastards

I've been watching the Beserkeley City Council meeting this evening.

Several of you despicable leftist Code Stink ANSWER assholes, walked up to that dias and dared to call the brave men and women of our Military "baby killers."

Is that how you "support the troops" but not the mission?!?

Well......F.U.C.K Y.O.U.

Yes, YOU, the party of ABORTION - the REAL BABY KILLERS.

A POX on you.

I will never set foot in Berkeley again and encourage all Americans who really do support the troops, to BOYCOTT the hell out of Berkeley.
QUESTION: Does everyone in Berkeley have a speech impediment?
Hewwo - my name isth Litha and I'm an actreth and an artitht.

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