Thursday, February 14, 2008

Prayers for Northern Illinois University

NIU shooting leaves 6 dead, 16 wounded
Ex-graduate student slays 5 before killing himself


Hail to THEE our Alma Mater
Ever shall we praise your name
Here, we proudly lift our voices
Thousands strong we sing your fame
Free, steadfast, devoted, true
We will always stand by you
Let our cheers resound for Northern
Hail, N.I.U.

Lyrics by Wilbur Smith / Orville Baker
Music by Wilbur Smith

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Terrorist Mugniyeh DEAD

Fuck YOU, Code Pink & Boycott Berkeley

Traitorous bastards

I've been watching the Beserkeley City Council meeting this evening.

Several of you despicable leftist Code Stink ANSWER assholes, walked up to that dias and dared to call the brave men and women of our Military "baby killers."

Is that how you "support the troops" but not the mission?!?

Well......F.U.C.K Y.O.U.

Yes, YOU, the party of ABORTION - the REAL BABY KILLERS.

A POX on you.

I will never set foot in Berkeley again and encourage all Americans who really do support the troops, to BOYCOTT the hell out of Berkeley.
QUESTION: Does everyone in Berkeley have a speech impediment?
Hewwo - my name isth Litha and I'm an actreth and an artitht.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Fat GoatBoy Gadahn - Missing?

Is GoatBoy at Gitmo or dead?
He'll show himself if he's still alive.
Ain't that right, GoatBoy?

American al-Qaida member missing?

Where is accused terrorist Adam Gadahn?
That’s what Taliban sources along the Afghan-Pakistan border are wondering about the American-born al-Qaida member. Gadahn, known as Azzam al-Ameriki (Azzam the American), joined al-Qaida in 2003 and has appeared in several bombastic al-Qaida videos since then. Federal prosecutors indicted the Californian for treason in October 2006, and he's now on the FBI's Most Wanted List.

U.S. intelligence officials have heard the same rumors, but tell NBC News that they have no information to suggest Gadahn is dead. They specifically deny that Gadahn was killed in the same Predator missile attack that killed al-Qaida’s #4, Abu Laith al-Libi, last week near the town of Mir Ali in Pakistan’s North Waziristan province. Gadahn was visiting Mir Ali at the time, according to a local man who describes himself as a friend of Gadahn’s.

Jihadist sources on the Pakistan side of the border are telling local journalists they are worried. One who described himself as a “very close friend” of Gadahn said the 28-year-old California native had until recently been spending most of his time in the populated areas of South Waziristan, near the towns of Wana, Azam Warsak and Shahkai.

The same friend said Gadahn had left for North Waziristan a week before the Predator attack in Mir Ali, where he was supposed to attend “an important meeting”. The friend said that, after the Predator attack on January 31, they lost “all contact” with Gadahn.

"All our friends are worried about him but so far we could not make any contact with him. We had sent two of our friends to Mir Ali to locate him and provide us with details about him," the supposed friend explained.
He added that other militants who traveled with Gadahn also were missing.

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