Sunday, November 9, 2008

McCain Leaves Sarah Palin Twisting in the Wind

Shame on you Senator McCain!

Not ONE word from you in defense of Sarah Palin regarding the attacks on her???

Shame on you.

Sarah Palin worked her heart out for you and this country and when she's attacked you don't even have the decency to speak out?

I rescind my vote for YOU.

Sarah Palin 2012 - You betcha!!!

Congratulations to President elect Obama

Congratulations to President elect Obama.

You haven't earned my trust yet and please don't forget that you will be my President as well.

You do have my admiration and respect because the people have spoken.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Gotta Give Props to the PUMAs

"Party Unity My Ass"

In admiration of PUMAs, Hillary supporters, Democrats for McCain, American heroes all.

They understand "Country First" as the threat of Obama socialism and Chicago thug politics, looms.

Hillary should have been the nominee. No doubt about it.

OBAMA Didn't Know????

Obama didn't know...his Aunt Zeituni Onyango was living in a slum in Boston?

Obama didn't know...his Pastor Jeremiah Wright was an anti-American race-baiting, ex-Islamist, black liberation theology, foul-mouthed bigot?

Obama didn't know...his good pal Fr. Pfleger, was a race-baiting bigot?

Obama didn't know...his good pal James Meeks, was a race-bating bigot?

Obama didn't know...his friend and multiple board co-chair, Bill Ayers, was an unrepentant terrorist?

Obama didn't know...his friend Bill Ayers' wife Bernardine Dohrn was an unrepentant terrorist?

Obama didn't know...his friend Rashid Khalidi was a Palestinian terrorist supporter?

Obama didn't know...his friend Mona Khalidi was a Palestinian terrorist supporter?

Obama didn't know...his mentor Frank Marshall Davis was a communist supporter?

Obama didn't know...his good buddy Tony Rezko was an under-indictment, money grubbing scam artist?

What ELSE didn't Obama know?

And am I really supposed to buy all these lies?

Who are you, Obama?

Release your birth certificate.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Fatwas don't expire - Terrorists still want to kill us

Mukasey 'surprised' by scope of terrorist threats

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Attorney General Michael Mukasey has been taken aback by the scope and variety of potential terrorism threats facing the United States, he told reporters Friday at an informal meeting in his office.

Attorney General Michael Mukasey receives terrorism updates during national security briefings.

"I'm surprised by how surprised I am," said Mukasey, who as a federal judge presided over terrorism-related trials in New York. .....more at link.....

Pity the Patriot Act expired.....

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Bin Laden 3/20/2008 - Another tape

New Usama bin Laden Tape Slams Palestinian Negotiations, Urges Holy War for Liberation

Once again, nothing current in the message.

For the first time, I wonder if UBL is dead?

Bin Laden's 3/19/2008 Statement Transcript

May our Mothers be bereaved of us if we fail to help our Prophet (peace be upon him)

In the name of Allah, the Most compassionate, the Most merciful. To the intelligent ones in the European Union: peace be upon he who follows the guidance. This talk of mine is to you and concerns the insulting drawings and your negligence in spite of the opportunity presented to take the necessary measures to prevent their being repeated.

To begin, I tell you: hostility between human beings is very old, but the intelligent ones among the nations in all eras have been keen to observe the etiquettes of dispute and morals of fighting. This is the best for them, a conflict is ever changing, and war has its ups and downs. However, you, in your conflict with us, have abandoned many of the morals of fighting in practice, even if you hold aloft its slogans in theory. How it saddens us that you target our villages with your bombing: those modest mud villages, which have collapsed onto our women and children. You do that intentionally, and I am witness to that. All of this you do without right and in conformity with your oppressive ally who- along with his aggressive policies – is about to depart the White House.

And it is no longer hidden from you that these savage acts haven’t ended the war, but rather, increase our determination to cling to our right, avenge our people and expel the invaders from our country. And you also know now that these massacres are never erased from the memory of the peoples and the effects of this are not hidden. Although our tragedy in your killing of our women and children is a very great ones, it paled when you went overboard in your unbelief and freed yourselves of the etiquettes of dispute and fighting and went to the extent of publishing these insulting drawings. This is the greater and more serious tragedy, and reckoning for it will be more severe.

And I bring your attention to a more telling matter, which is that despite your publishing of the insulting drawings, you haven’t seen any reaction from the one and a half billion muslims, which includes an insult to the Prophet of Allah, Jesus the son of Mary (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). We believe in all of the Prophets (peace and blessings be upon them), and whoever detracts from or mocks any one of them is an apostate unbeliever. And here it is worth pointing out that there is no need to use as an excuse, the sacredness you accord freedom of expression and the sacredness of your laws and how you wont change them. If so, then on what basis were American Soldiers exempted from being subject to your laws on your land? And on what basis do you suppress the freedom of those who cast doubt on the statistics of a historical event?

In Addition, you know that there is one man who can put an end to these drawings, if it mattered to him: the crownless king in Riyadh, who ordered your legal institutions to stop their investigations into the embezzlement of billions from the al-Yamamah deal, and Blair carried this out, and he is today your representative in the quartet. To sum up, then the laws of men which clash with the legislations of Allah the Most High are null and void, aren’t sacred, and don’t matter to us. And in addition, yout practical stance towards the al-Yamamah deal required you to admit that there are some values which are greater than your values. In closing, I tell you: If there is no check on the freedom of your words, then let your hearts be open to the freedom of our actions.

And it is amazing and to make light of others that you talk about tolerance and peace at a time when your soldiers perpetrate murder even against the weak and oppressed in our countries. Then came your publishing of these drawings, which came in the framework of a new crusade in which the Pope of the Vatican has played a large, lengthy role. And all of that is confirmation on your part of the continuation of the war, as well as a testing of the muslims in their religion: is the Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) more beloved to them than themselves and their wealth? The answer is what you see, not what you hear, and may our mothers be bereaved of us if we fail to help the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). And peace be upon he who follows the guidance.

Hey Osama - How's chubby goat-boy Gadahn doing???? Haven't heard from his traitorous mouth lately.

Just what is a "typical WHITE person"... Obama?????

Barack Hussein: You, sir.....are a racist.

Just what exactly is a "typical white person"?

And were I to say so-and-so is a "typical black person" - you'd want me Imus-ized and banished from the planet.

.......lower the curtain, stagehand - this act is O.V.E.R.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Prayers for Northern Illinois University

NIU shooting leaves 6 dead, 16 wounded
Ex-graduate student slays 5 before killing himself


Hail to THEE our Alma Mater
Ever shall we praise your name
Here, we proudly lift our voices
Thousands strong we sing your fame
Free, steadfast, devoted, true
We will always stand by you
Let our cheers resound for Northern
Hail, N.I.U.

Lyrics by Wilbur Smith / Orville Baker
Music by Wilbur Smith

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Terrorist Mugniyeh DEAD

Fuck YOU, Code Pink & Boycott Berkeley

Traitorous bastards

I've been watching the Beserkeley City Council meeting this evening.

Several of you despicable leftist Code Stink ANSWER assholes, walked up to that dias and dared to call the brave men and women of our Military "baby killers."

Is that how you "support the troops" but not the mission?!?

Well......F.U.C.K Y.O.U.

Yes, YOU, the party of ABORTION - the REAL BABY KILLERS.

A POX on you.

I will never set foot in Berkeley again and encourage all Americans who really do support the troops, to BOYCOTT the hell out of Berkeley.
QUESTION: Does everyone in Berkeley have a speech impediment?
Hewwo - my name isth Litha and I'm an actreth and an artitht.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Fat GoatBoy Gadahn - Missing?

Is GoatBoy at Gitmo or dead?
He'll show himself if he's still alive.
Ain't that right, GoatBoy?

American al-Qaida member missing?

Where is accused terrorist Adam Gadahn?
That’s what Taliban sources along the Afghan-Pakistan border are wondering about the American-born al-Qaida member. Gadahn, known as Azzam al-Ameriki (Azzam the American), joined al-Qaida in 2003 and has appeared in several bombastic al-Qaida videos since then. Federal prosecutors indicted the Californian for treason in October 2006, and he's now on the FBI's Most Wanted List.

U.S. intelligence officials have heard the same rumors, but tell NBC News that they have no information to suggest Gadahn is dead. They specifically deny that Gadahn was killed in the same Predator missile attack that killed al-Qaida’s #4, Abu Laith al-Libi, last week near the town of Mir Ali in Pakistan’s North Waziristan province. Gadahn was visiting Mir Ali at the time, according to a local man who describes himself as a friend of Gadahn’s.

Jihadist sources on the Pakistan side of the border are telling local journalists they are worried. One who described himself as a “very close friend” of Gadahn said the 28-year-old California native had until recently been spending most of his time in the populated areas of South Waziristan, near the towns of Wana, Azam Warsak and Shahkai.

The same friend said Gadahn had left for North Waziristan a week before the Predator attack in Mir Ali, where he was supposed to attend “an important meeting”. The friend said that, after the Predator attack on January 31, they lost “all contact” with Gadahn.

"All our friends are worried about him but so far we could not make any contact with him. We had sent two of our friends to Mir Ali to locate him and provide us with details about him," the supposed friend explained.
He added that other militants who traveled with Gadahn also were missing.

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