Sunday, November 9, 2008

McCain Leaves Sarah Palin Twisting in the Wind

Shame on you Senator McCain!

Not ONE word from you in defense of Sarah Palin regarding the attacks on her???

Shame on you.

Sarah Palin worked her heart out for you and this country and when she's attacked you don't even have the decency to speak out?

I rescind my vote for YOU.

Sarah Palin 2012 - You betcha!!!

Congratulations to President elect Obama

Congratulations to President elect Obama.

You haven't earned my trust yet and please don't forget that you will be my President as well.

You do have my admiration and respect because the people have spoken.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Gotta Give Props to the PUMAs

"Party Unity My Ass"

In admiration of PUMAs, Hillary supporters, Democrats for McCain, American heroes all.

They understand "Country First" as the threat of Obama socialism and Chicago thug politics, looms.

Hillary should have been the nominee. No doubt about it.

OBAMA Didn't Know????

Obama didn't know...his Aunt Zeituni Onyango was living in a slum in Boston?

Obama didn't know...his Pastor Jeremiah Wright was an anti-American race-baiting, ex-Islamist, black liberation theology, foul-mouthed bigot?

Obama didn't know...his good pal Fr. Pfleger, was a race-baiting bigot?

Obama didn't know...his good pal James Meeks, was a race-bating bigot?

Obama didn't know...his friend and multiple board co-chair, Bill Ayers, was an unrepentant terrorist?

Obama didn't know...his friend Bill Ayers' wife Bernardine Dohrn was an unrepentant terrorist?

Obama didn't know...his friend Rashid Khalidi was a Palestinian terrorist supporter?

Obama didn't know...his friend Mona Khalidi was a Palestinian terrorist supporter?

Obama didn't know...his mentor Frank Marshall Davis was a communist supporter?

Obama didn't know...his good buddy Tony Rezko was an under-indictment, money grubbing scam artist?

What ELSE didn't Obama know?

And am I really supposed to buy all these lies?

Who are you, Obama?

Release your birth certificate.

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