Tuesday, January 30, 2007

New Iraq Report Makes Case for Victory

WASHINGTON, Jan. 30 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- A new report on Iraq was released today that covers many subjects not touched on by the Iraq Study

Titled Citizens Report on Iraq: Attainable Victory vs. the Propaganda of Defeat, the report was conceived, researched and authored by independent citizens with experience in Iraq who are concerned that the American people and politicians are ill-informed about the situation in Iraq.

The 86-page report is available for download at the Free Republic website:


In the Citizens Report on Iraq, readers will learn that progress is being made in Iraq; there are large areas of Iraq that are safe and prospering; that the enemy is being killed and wounded in astounding proportion to American casualties; that the reporting on Iraq by the dominant media is universally despised as inaccurate and misleading by those fighting for Free Iraq -- Americans and Iraqis alike; that the so-called antiwar movement, including the organizers of this past weekend's protest in Washington, is led by terrorist supporting Marxists as part of a global alliance seeking America's defeat in the Global War on Terror and that a prominent White House correspondent has allied herself with one of these groups.

The report includes frank interviews with dozens of Operation Iraqi Freedom veterans, their families and several Gold Star parents. Those who think their support for President Bush and victory in Iraq has waned will be sorely disappointed.

The report also includes an overview of captured Saddam Hussein eraIraqi government documents that demonstrate Saddam's commitment to international terrorism and research in to Weapons of Mass Destruction, including nuclear weapons.

Contributors include a history professor, an American contractor who has spent the past three years in Iraq, an Iraqi living in Baghdad, and numerous soldiers who spoke frankly on condition of anonymity.

The information in the report was gathered from original research andinterviews, publicly available government reports, blog entries, news articles and transcripts.

SOURCE D.C. Chapter of FreeRepublic.com


Related links:


Friday, January 26, 2007

Hanoi Jane Redux

Jane Fonda to Protest Iraq War at Navy Memorial Sat. (Help D.C. Chapter Counter-Protest!)

Jane: Once a traitor, always a traitor.

Godspeed, Kristinn.



Bin Laden Alive, Active Says Algerian Group

We'd have heard if he was dead, IMO.

Jose's Got Issues

Issues in the case against Jose Padilla

By The Associated Press

MIAMI - Some of the major issues yet to be resolved before trial can start in the terrorism case against alleged al-Qaida operative Jose Padilla and two co-defendants, according to court documents and lawyers involved in the case.

BOLO: 3 Middle Eastern Guys and a White Truck

"Suspicious Event At Gun Manufacturer Prompts Investigation"
A suspicious event at a Middle Tennessee gun manufacturer has investigators across the state searching for men and a white truck. A statewide be on lookout has been issued Thursday for subjects described as being of Middle Eastern descent who asked questions of Barrett Firearms Manufacturing, Inc. employees and tried to enter the secure facility. Deputies were called to the plant Thursday morning to gather information about the Wednesday afternoon incident. A plant employee was leaving the building at about 4 p.m. when he encountered a man who appeared to be Middle Eastern who'd arrived in a white pickup truck towing a white utility trailer. The man asked questions about what was manufactured there, and when refused information by the employee, began demanding entry to the building. When the employee began studying the man's truck, the subject became upset and was told to leave the area. In all, there were three men in the truck.

Anyone who may have information about these men should call 898-7770 .


The truck may have Michigan license plates.

Michigan plates - incident in Tennessee - heading further south???

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